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Hamilton Ventura 石英计时码表 *men in black ii - 2002*(24 毫米)黑色表盘/黑色皮革


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    *在《黑衣人2》(2002) 中出现。由威尔·史密斯饰演的j特工佩戴。

    文图拉系列是Hamilton最具标志性的系列之一。该系列以其独特的设计而著称,于 1957 年首次推出。 ventura系列拥有世界上第一款非传统三角形电动手表。 ventura 手表以电影亮相而闻名,同时也展示了猫王手表的传统。这个独特的系列代表了核心价值观 Hamilton制表

    Hamilton ventura系列的核心特点:独特的三角形表壳,展现出独特的设计整体复古风格,代表了该系列的历史,可追溯到1950年代——摇滚时代。该系列中的每一款腕表均采用高品质瑞士机芯。该系列包括男士和女士腕表。

    型号规格 h24412732:该型号在表盘上展示了计时码表。表壳由优质银色不锈钢制成,搭配黑色小牛皮表带。该型号的表壳尺寸为 32. 3 毫米 x 50. 3 毫米,表耳宽度为 17 毫米。表盘由防刮蓝宝石玻璃保护。机芯 - 石英机芯 - 251. 474 防水深度达 50 米(5 巴)。

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    First Class Watches CHN是Hamilton 手表的零售合作伙伴,因此您可以放心,您全新的手表将附上带有完整盖章和日期的制造商保证书,包装以及使用说明书。
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  • 产品评论 (2)
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    4 质量
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    4 易于使用
    5 风格
    Customer picture of Hamilton Ventura 石英计时码表 *men in black ii - 2002*(24 毫米)黑色表盘/黑色皮革 H24412732 While watching the movie MIB International, my eyes caught sight of the Hamilton Ventura on Chris Hemsworth's wrist. I believe the model h24411732. An internet search showed many results, but as much as I found it a beautiful watch, I couldn't see myself forking out so much money for such a simple looking dial. A few months went by, Covid19 lock down got to me and I required retail therapy. Another internet search gave me new results, among those results was a link to First Class Watches (FCW), whom I'd not heard of before. What enticed me to follow the link was the product photo showing the Ventura Chrono model h24412732, which had a lot more going on, on the dial. Sure it is more expensive but hey.

    It wasn't an immediate impulse buy for me. As I try keeping a level head. So, I bookmarked the link. Also the FCW website was showing the Ventura Chrono as not in stock but ordered upon request, as I found out from a very quick reply to an email query. I had another look at some other retailers listing this same model, Ventura Chrono h24412732, but those retailers didn't inspire the confidence I got from FCW website and the limited but fast communication I'd already had.

    The Watch:
    The watch comes in a box within a box. The outer box is a near black (blueish) tough card with Hamilton embellished on the top. Inside is an appealing nice wooden, perhaps bamboo box, again with Hamilton embellished on top. Inside this box is the cushioning etc for the Watch.

    Though prior to purchase I'd investigated the the dimensions of the watch, when I opened the box I found the watch a little dainty and wondered if I'd purchased a ladies model accidentally. A quick check of the invoice and online showed I had the correct model. In the days that have passed, I've grown accustomed to the size. The strap also at first seemed a little narrow in certain lighting, but this I've grown to like and be accustomed to.

    The leather strap and metal clasp combination, I was unfamiliar with but with time I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. My wrists are thin for a man. When on my wrist, the flared parts coming out of 10-11 and 7-9 O'clock, stick out and may get caught on garments etc. I've not worn the watch too often (given lock down). So, I've not had enough opportunity to test this theory out. People with wider wrists may not have this problem as the flares will comfortably nestle into the leather strap.

    Overall the watch is light to wear, though it does feels substantial. The leather has a quality feel with a lustre and the metals have a glossy shine that won't disappoint.

    On the underside, there is little room for engraving a message. Though ample space for several initials.

    The purchase:
    The FCW website is well laid out with all vital information in view. I chose to use the finance option and this process was a breeze. I'd set aside some time to work through this online purchase but in the end I had time to spare. Within moment's I'd bought a luxurious watch.

    Customer Service experience:
    Prior to placing an order, I emailed FCW with my queries. After placing my order but yet to receive my watch I emailed through some more queries. Every time FCW replied within a couple of hours. There responses were always patient and polite. There was no change in their demeanor between pre-sales and after-sales. i.e. some other retailers have less than patient and polite after-sales ethos.

    My watch arrived a couple of days later than advertised, given the Pandemic circumstances this was understandable. When I contacted FCW to chase it up, they were quick to react and reassure that they'd not forgotten about me.

    All in all an enjoyable experience.

    回顾 16/07/2020

    5 质量
    5 价格
    5 易于使用
    5 风格
    Customer picture of Hamilton Ventura 石英计时码表 *men in black ii - 2002*(24 毫米)黑色表盘/黑色皮革 H24412732 I first saw the Hamiltin Ventura in 2019. I was captivated by its clean lines and old style elegance. To me it looked the sort of watch I'd have seen in Flash Gordon's wrist in the old b&w classic series. An attempt from those days to look futuristic while incorporating the art deco lines of the 30's. I have coverted one ever since. With the arrival of the Ventura Chrono I was even more captivated. This was the watch that Captain Kirk or Blakes 7's commanding officer must have. The black face and silver dials gave it a futuristic look yet still housed within that old style art deco elegance. I could envisage someone speaking into that watch to say "beam me up" or "full phasers in my command".
    Anyway I found myself in a position to purchase the watch so did some research into reputable watch/jewellery dealers. In my research First Class kept coming up. I mailed them and the whole deal was done in 24hrs and I had my watch within 48hrs. Excellent custoner service, really interested in assisting me fulfill my desire of owning one of these fantastic watches. A phenomenal discount was followed by numerous emails to ensure I got the correct watch and was happy with the price and service. As I said the watch was on my wrist within 48hrs. Now I can happily sit on my sofa with Buck Rodgers re-runs on, looking at my new watch and imagining myself on the bridge of some spaceship battling beyond the stars

    回顾 27/04/2020

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